Scotland is setting a net zero greenhouse gas emissions target for 2045 and many other European countries have similarly stretching targets. In this context, greenhouse gas emissions from heating our buildings are likely to have to fall to near zero by mid-century.

Denmark has recently increased their CO2 reduction target to 70 percent in 2030 compared to 1990, which makes it one of the most ambitious countries in the world. This requires the development of a new climate agreement with stronger demands for everyone to contribute to the green transition.

Supported by ClimateXChange, the Scottish and Danish Governments brought together academic and policy communities to consider policy-relevant lessons from recent research on heat decarbonisation for off gas-grid residential buildings. During the workshop, attendees explored deployment pathways and technology options available for decarbonisation of heat in buildings that are not currently gas-heated, as well as looking at scenario modelling, approaches to heat planning and the challenges of implementation at various scales.

The workshop aims were:

– to share knowledge and insight between policy makers and researchers

– to survey the existing research and evidence base on heat decarbonisation in off-gas homes

– identify policy-relevant research gaps

– shape a forward research agenda on heat decarbonisation that speaks to policy priorities

Download the workshop programme and short report. All the presentations are available on the links here:  

Andrew Smith – Decarbonising Heat Architecting the System

Faye Wade – Phase 1 Pilots Social Evaluation

Gareth Fenney – Zero Emission Heat

Graeme Hawker – Residential Heat Decarbonisation 

Hannah Marczinkowski – Energy Planning for Islands

Jan Webb – Implementing Net Zero Heat

Kristian Borch – Learning from Wind

Louise Krog Jensen – Co-ordination in Strategic Energy Planning

Mathias Mikkelsen – The Green Transition in Denmark

Matthew Lipson – Low Carbon Heat Better

Meysam Qadrdan – Whole System Impacts

Nis Bertelsen – Knowing and Governing Heat Transitions

Rob Gross – International Experience of Heat Decarbonisation

Sarah Deasley – District Heat Barriers and Policies

Stuart Galloway – Local Energy Flow Toolset

Susana Paardekooper – Heat Roadmap for Scotland

Veit Burger – Transforming German Building Sector

Richard Lowes – Decarbonising a House Personal Perspective