The way we generate, distribute and consume energy is changing, and many observers anticipate accelerated changes ahead. These transformations are being driven by a combination of policy and regulatory pressures, rapid movements in the cost and performance of some energy technologies, and shifting patterns of consumption and behaviour.

This UKERC/CXC report presents results from a detailed survey exploring the differing views. It finds agreement that large scale renewables, buildings refurbishment and electric vehicles will play a major role in the UK energy system transition – but much less agreement in other areas, such as the role of behaviour change and modal shift in the transport sector, and the likely path for decarbonising buildings heat supply.

Read a blog about the project

Retrofitting the housing stock to make it more energy efficient is a policy priority in Scotland, and alongside measures to target fuel poor households a major increase in private household investment in home energy retrofit is needed.

With the recent launch of the Energy Efficient Scotland Route Map, CXC’s Energy Policy Effectiveness project, based at the University of Edinburgh, has carried out an evidence review of how public policy can be used to leverage investment in retrofit by ‘able to pay’ households.

The review does not attempt to ‘pick a policy winner’. Effective policy involves a stable yet flexible retrofit policy package which informs, incentivises and regulates household demand, the businesses that supply it, and the support bodies that mediate between them.

The findings were presented at a recent seminar. Download all the presentations :

Niall Kerr – Review findings

Alice Owen – Retrofit supply chain

Aaron Gillich – An ‘optimal’ retrofit programme

Faye Wade – Encouraging homeowners to retrofit

Lynn Forsyth – Energy Efficient Scotland

Read the blog Household investment in home energy retrofit

Read the blog