Together with the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), we are inviting researchers, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, consultants and policymakers, including the Scottish Government, to join us for an event showcasing the latest research findings on energy demand reduction, flexibility and the use of decarbonised energy most relevant to Scotland.

The aim of the hybrid event, from Edinburgh on 30 March, is to enhance existing collaborations and kick-start new ones between researchers and stakeholders interested in using these results.

Topics will include:

  • domestic buildings issues, including retrofit and Energy Performance Certificates
  • transport issues, including travel patterns post-Covid and carbon calculator tools for local authorities
  • equity issues such as energy and transport poverty
  • modelling scenarios for positive low energy futures

CREDS is a research programme funded by UK Research and Innovation and has a team of more than 140 academics at 24 academic institutions across the UK. Their core team is responsible for programme management, communications and knowledge exchange, and is based at the University of Oxford. They have a vision to make the UK a leader in understanding the changes in energy demand needed for the transition to a secure and affordable, zero-carbon society.

Join us with CREDS on the morning of Thursday 30 March, either in person at the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute or online, by registering on the Eventbrite page, where you can also find full programme details.

Registration page
