Climate change route maps and score cards: An assessment of best practice, user needs and data availability

A key recommendation from research and public engagement on climate action in Scotland is for the Scottish Government to develop a clear and concise vision and map, to help the public understand the goals and the required actions.

This research aimed to understand if a climate change score card and/or route map could be used as a communication method and how it could be developed.

Summary of findings

The report finds that a climate change route map and/or score card is most likely not the appropriate means for the Scottish Government to communicate climate change progress and actions to the public and stakeholders.

The researchers provide recommendations on key principles for designing any future climate change communication method, which are outlined below:

  1. Keep it visual
  2. Focus on positive messaging
  3. Relate outcomes to personal actions
  4. Emphasise the co-benefits
  5. Provide contextual detail for those who want to see it
  6. Emphasise roles and responsibilities
  7. Consider indicators carefully

For further details, please download the report.

If you require the report in an alternative format, such as a Word document, please contact or 0131 651 4783.