Presenting science for non-science audiences: Livestock and GHG emissions
This is an excellent example of successful KE: explaining a technically complex issue in simple yet factually correct words. I will use this for the Agriculture & Climate Change Stakeholder Group and more widely as an example of good practice when writing papers/ policy briefings.
Scottish Government Policy Official
Methane emissions from ruminants are responsible for approximately 50% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with agriculture in Scotland.
During a stakeholder workshop discussions it would be useful to have a project look specifically at reducing the emissions intensity, i.e. the amount of GHG emitted per unit of meat or milk produced.
This started a constructive dialogue and collaboration where the researcher engaged extensively with the policy team. The researcher actively engaged with the policy team to ensure they understood what was required, and were comfortable asking questions in order to get to a shared understanding and common language.
Despite the technical nature of the analysis, the report has a crisp, plain English discussion with reference to a detailed science annex. This reflects the extensive support provided by the Secretariat on communication and writing style. This ensures we focus on making the research easily accessible for a time-poor customer.